
Our ethanol products include various other quality levels and types of certification:

Organic qualities
Organic ethanol comes from controlled organic cultivation, i.e. it is made from plant materials that are produced in an environment-friendly manner without the use of any chemically synthesised pesticides or fertilisers.

The specialities category includes the following types:

  • F11-BIO-BV organic ethanol in accordance with the Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance and EU regulations (for drinking)
  • F15-BIO organic ethanol
  • F15-BIO-BV organic ethanol in accordance with the Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance
  • F11-BIO-Knospe Knospe organic ethanol in accordance with EU regulations (for drinking)
  • F15-BIO-Knospe Knospe organic ethanol

The Alcosuisse range includes organic ethanol that is certified according to Swiss regulations.

Specifically, this ethanol meets the requirements of the Ordinance of 22 September 1997 on Organic Farming and the Labelling of Organically Produced Products and Foodstuffs. This ethanol’s high added value stems from the stringent criteria that must be met by the production of the raw material and its refinement. Currently these products are used in niche markets for manufacturing spirits, flavourings, homeopathic medicines or skincare products.

  • Knospe organic ethanol in accordance with Bio Suisse 
    The same category as organic ethanol according to the Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance includes ethanol from organic crops grown in accordance with the Bio Suisse guidelines and directives for Knospe (“bud” logo) products. These are even more stringent than the Federal Ordinance in respect of raw materials, fertilisers, crop rotation and production Tools.
  • Organic ethanol according to the USDA National Organic Program (NOP)
    NOP ethanol is produced in accordance with the guidelines of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which are similar to those of the Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance. All the Alcosuisse ethanol products listed above have been checked and certified by bio.inspecta, 5070 Frick. Alcosuisse organic certification

Kosher | Passover
All standard ethanol products are also available as Kosher versions. Some types that also meet the Passover requirements can also be supplied.

Kosher-grade ethanol must be stored separately and must not come into contact with other ethanol grades. Alcosuisse guarantees compliance with these requirements thanks to its system of dedicated lines, tanks and pumps. Each year our entitlement to sell Kosher-grade ethanol is reviewed by the rabbinate of the Israeli Religious Community and confirmed with certification. 

Regular factory checks are carried out by Rabbinical Food Supervision in Zurich. With its Kosher certification, Alcosuisse guarantees that the ethanol supplied and the transport containers used satisfy Kosher requirements.

We also offer ethanol grades that are compliant with Passover requirements. These are Kosher types of ethanol, i.e. they are not made from cereals and have not come into contact with cereals or related products during production (e.g. containers and piping).

We can also supply certain ethanol grades accompanied by a Halal certificate.

Synthetic Ethanol
You can also order ethanol of synthetic origin from Alcosuisse. This ethanol is obtained from the catalytic hydration ("cracking") of ethylene originating from crude oil.

Specific raw materials
Do you need your ethanol to be made from a specific raw material? Please contact us for corresponding advice. We stock a wide range of ethanols made from a wide variety of raw materials for immediate delivery and can satisfy almost every wish thanks to our global network of suppliers.
